NotionQL instantly creates a GraphQL endpoint to access your Notion Workspace.
Connect Your Workspace
Once you have signed up for NotionQL, you can connect your Notion Workspace to NotionQL and select which pages you want exposed in your GraphQL API.
If you would like to allow NotionQL to access another page, navigate to that page within your Notion Workspace, hit Share, then Invite to add the NotionQL Beta integration.
All integrations are checked by the admins of this marketplace. Although we try our best to keep this marketplace as safe as possible, we can't guarantee 100% safety, since all systems can be hacked. To prevent any problems, please carefully select the pages you give an integration access to, since those pages will be the only pages it can see and modify.
That's amazing! Feel free to send the developer of this application an email. You can find their contact details on the integration page.